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Clarksville Chapel-Oceanview, Delaware

Our Funeral Home & Crematory Facilities

Welcome to Parsell Funeral Homes & Crematorium in Ocean View, Delaware

Thank you for taking the time to visit our website. If you are unfamiliar with Parsell Funeral Home & Crematorium located in Ocean View, Delaware please take the time to learn about us. 

As professionals in death care we know exactly what has to be done to get you through the grief process. We treat every family that we serve as if they were apart of our own family. Parsell Funeral Home & Crematorium is the area's premier funeral home and cremation service. We provide personalized funeral and cremation services in Ocean View, Long Neck, Dagsboro, Roxanna, Millville, Bethany Beach, Frankford and Clarksville and all other surrounding communities.

This chapel is decorated in shades of soft blue-gray blends with light furnishings to lend it more to the surroundings of the beach area. The Clarksville Chapel will accommodate services of up to 200, with parking for 70 autos.

The Clarksville Chapel was opened in September 1996 in a brand new area where there is no funeral home, however, it is an area of great population and need. Situated on Rt. 26 near the corner of Rt. 17, it is placed in a central location to the local communities.

Our site is a great informational resource on death care. We explain all your options with personalized cremation servicestraditional funerals, celebration of life, green & all-natural funerals & burials, Veterans services, and memorial services & gatherings. We pride ourselves on being transparent and discussing all the details of our service offerings. Furthermore, we provide an entire section dedicated to the process of funeral preplanning and handling grief.


Clarksville Chapel - Ocean View

Monday - Sunday:

24 hours

3:46 am

local time

24 hours

today's hours




  • Proudly holding the distinction of being the most highly respected funeral home & Crematorium in the area.
  • Full-service facility with a chapel that accommodates over 200 attendees and parking for 70 cars.
  • State-of-the-art audio-visual systems for personalized memorials and live streaming.


200 Seat Chapel
2500 Sq. Ft Facility
Beautifully Landscaped
Financing Options
Flatscreen TV's
Flexibility For All Budgets
Handicap Accessible
Impeccably Maintained Grounds
Audio And Video Equipment
Custom Headstones And Markers
Custom Memorial Videos
Graveside Services
Licensed Pre-Need Specialist
Live Streaming Of Services
Multicultural Funerals
Obituary Writing And Publishing
Online Funeral Arrangements
Personalized Services

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We welcome you to explore the Parsell Funeral Homes & Crematorium facilities, and invite you to discover a comforting and peaceful place to honor life.

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